will present at the UA Conference
Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 4:30 pm

PREVIEWS of Dale's Talks |
Imagination: Tropical Zodiacal Signs and Zodiacal Constellations
Now that Neptune has come home to (Tropical) Pisces, it is my hope that
imagination will once again flourish in the practice of astrology. As an
interpretive art of synchronistic occurrences, astrology can again be free
of the unimaginative and restrictive expectations of scientific
determinism. For example, some sidereal astrologers, along with
non-astrology critics of Tropical astrology, have pointed out the fact
that Zodiacal constellations no longer line up precisely with their
Tropical Zodiacal sign counterparts. With science's expectation of precise
correspondences, they dismiss our wondrous art.
What are these critics missing? Imagination! Astrology is the embodiment
of multiple images. We have four different fascinating elements, each in
three different states (modalities). We have a Zodiacal band of creatures
seemingly natural (ram, cattle, crab, lion) and obviously mythic
(centaur, sea goat, two fish bound together by common chord). Astrological
imagery continues with mythically-named Planets, Zodiacal degree imagery
(Sabian Symbols). etc. This imagery intertwines not only within a given
chart, but is also interactive with the imagery of progressed charts,
transiting planets, synastry, and so on. Added to this complexity is the
relative free will of the relatively conscious individual.
Under such circumstances, the non-imaginative mind can only sidestep
befuddlement with constrictive keywords and such. Our Souls, peeking out
from behind our charts' imagery, are not only not respected, our Souls are
not even seen at all. Science has no Soul. Science abhors Art's
subjectivity and relativity, the stuff of Soul-making. The sky without
Soul is the sky of modern astronomy. Science-oriented astrologers seem
hell bent on destroying the interpretive sky-art of astrology by trying to
turn it into something less than it seems to be for many of us.
But what of the imprecision of Tropical astrology's Zodiacal signs and
their namesake constellations? The art of astrology uses metaphor, analogy
and such. Science has little use for such techniques, because a modicum of
imagination would be required to wield them. Imagine a people very much at
home in their home country. Perhaps they are Italians in Italy, Africans
in Africa, or the Irish in Ireland. Now imagine that those people were
forced to move away from their homeland. Is there not something of Soul
that has carried over from where they were? Just because these people find
themselves in a new and very different place, under a different sky, do
their lives become entirely the stories associated with the new sky? Do
not Souls turn to imagery in their new nation? Do not Souls vivify their
nation with imagery, and thus thrive in i-magi-nation?
I hope to see many of you at UAC in New Orleans in May, our first UAC
under tropical Neptune in Pisces.
As Taj Mahal sang,
"Time to leave your yesterdays, your yesterdays behind,
And take a Giant Step outside your mind." |
Atlantis Degrees
One of the ATLANTIS DEGREES seems to be 28+ Gemini:
Gemini Sabian Symbol 29 is "The first mockingbird of spring sings from the
tree top." Like any Zodiacal degree image, there are wonderful positive potentials in this degree. However, in my opinion, human individuals or human enterprises with this degree may smugly (tree top = above it all) assume that their attempts to imitate and master Nature prove that they
are oh-so-clever. At least back in Maryland where I spent the first part of my life, mocking birds attacked cats and smaller birds from above --- would-be dominators. The word "mocking" implies not just mimicry, but disrespect. I see a negative potential for this human (Gemini = twins =
twice as mentally (Mercury-ruled) "human," or anti-Nature. Technological hubris is contempt for Nature and Nature's Creator. This mindset fits those dominance-oriented Atlanteans that Edgar Cayce called the Sons of Belial. (I prefer to abbreviate for succinct accuracy --- the S.O.B.s)
Sabian Symbol for Taurus 19 (18+): "A new continent is rising out of the ocean" Obviously, the rise of a truly new continent would not be Atlantis, and there are supposedly other lost civilizations that purportedly sank, such as Mu (possibly in the Pacific), Lemuria.... However, Cayce implies that Atlantis will actually rise --- a new continent, at least for most of
the living.
This degree implies lushness, fertility, and abundance. Plato and Cayce both told of the Natural abundance of the original Atlantis, which was at least partially related to it's early prosperity via nautical trade.
Sabian Symbol for the last degree of Aquarius: "Moonlit fields, once Babylon, are blooming white" is obviously not overtly Atlantean, but does imply the end of a great civilization, covered over by Nature. For Babylon of old, we have a covering by fields of flowers; for Atlantis, we have a covering by ocean. Decadence leading to decline is associated with Babylon (just ask a Rastafarian, mon). Plato and Cayce both told of decadence causing or corresponding the end of the once great civilation of Atlantis.
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