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The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane. --- Marcus Aurelius

There never was a good war or a bad peace. --- Benjamin Franklin

(Neptune on the Last Degree of Pisces: 1861, 2024, 2025)
Part One of Two

~ Dale O'Brien
July 2024

1861: U.S. Civil War began: Neptune 29 Pisces 56'
2024: Neptune Stationary Retrograde: 29 Pisces 56'

"...On the 3rd planet from the Sun...some see stars...we're all the same..."

Mighty Mo Rodgers, born in war (7/24/42), with awareness of war's ubiquitous influence.


                                                There've been good times
                                                There've been bad times
                                                I've had my share of hard times too
                                                But I lost my faith in the world...

                                                There's gotta be trust in the world,
                                                Or it won't get very far,
                                                Well trust in someone,
                                                Or there's gonna be war.

Jagger/Richards '64

Lyricist Jagger born in war (7/26/43); guitarist Richards born in war (12/18/43),
with awareness of war, that war can begin easier than most think.

                                                This could be the last time,
                                                May be the last time,
                                                      I don't know
                                                          Oh no...

                                                            You never listen to my advice.
                                                            Someone has to pay the price.

                                                            There's too much pain,
                                                            Too much sorrow
                                                            ' Guess I'll feel the same tomorrow

Jagger/Richards '64

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
Let it roll, Baby, roll

James Morrison, Feb. '70

Jim was born in war (12/8/43) while his dad fought in the WWII.
Jim was aware that war and/or death can be uncomfortably close.

... There moves a thread that has no end...
Is this to end, or just begin?

John Paul Jones & Robert Plant, '79

(great insight, but nothing about war)

A majority of Americans of different political persuasions (or the lack thereof) currently see the people of this country dramatically polarized with the distinct possibility of a civil war. Proponents of both probable (possible?) 2024 presidential candidates suspect an invalid November 2024 presidential election, if there will even be any election at all.

In 1858, Abraham Lincoln said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand.'... I do not expect the house to fall --- but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other." (Or, perhaps for us at this time, in the words of Monty Python, "And now for something completely different.") By 1861, newly- President Lincoln inaugurated March 4, was not acceptable to a sizeable part of the population. Less than two months later, the division had begun. Note Neptune's placement (see above).

                                                           Now the right thing's the wrong thing,
                                                           No more excuses to come,
                                                           Just one step at a time and the war has begun.
                                                           Just a roll, just a roll, just a roll on your drum,
                                                           Just a roll, just a roll, and the war has begun.

                                                           --- "SLOTH" by Dave Swarbrick & Richard Thompson, '70

Lyricist Dave Swarbrick was born in war (4/5/41) aware until his death (6/3/2016)
that war can start disturbingly easily. He was born in England, bombed by the Nazis all
during his prenatal, and during the first 36 days of his life.

29 PISCES 59' 59" is the last part of the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac.

                                                           This is The End...
                                                           Of our elaborate plans, The End
                                                           Of everything that stands, The End..
                                                           Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain,
                                                           and all the children are insane...

                                                           --- James Morrison '66, '67

And all the trans children are insane
Waiting for advice inane


[NOTE: Poet Morrison said of the song that it can mean anything the listener wants it to mean, and that he really did not know what he meant to say through the song. Like the Rolling Stones song lyrics above, song lyrics like those mentioned here could simultaneously be about one-to-one relationships and also about the state of the world. The latter was particularly so in an era where the murder of the youngest U.S. president ever was televised in late '63 and at that time mutual nuclear annihilation was always "just a shot away"
(--- GIMME SHELTER '69)]

(Jim's dad was an admiral during the ongoing Vietnam war but was NOT
involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident as is commonly rumored.)

       In 2024, Neptune was on this degree for most of May and will be here for all of June, July and August, the months of the RNC and DNC conventions and Netanyahu's appearance before the U.S. Congress in-between. Neptune will still be on this degree for a bit of September. Neptune will return to this degree in 2025, but with Neptune now in apparent retrograde, it isn't a time of going forward in time regarding Neptune, but rather a time of looking backward and inward, reflecting for instance on prophecy in old song lyrics.

       Part Two looks at the alignment with a Fixed Star here, in its constellation and relevant Nakshatra, as well as observations on the related implications of the lyrics of Will The Circle Be Unbroken and the lyrics of The Battle Hymn of The Republic. See: SECRETS of the ANCIENT SKIES volume 2 Fixed Stars & Constellations in Natal & Mundane Astrology from Diana K. Rosenberg, pages 765 through 784, but especially pages pp. 775 -784

       Someone (possibly Mark Twain) said that history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Just as the U.S. Civil War was not exactly the American Revolution all over again, if there will be a new civil war in the U.S., it won't be South vs. North or white racists vs. otherwise --- despite the agenda of the divide and conquer powers-that-shouldn't-be. The then and now the commonality is different from that. (For instance, see: From JFK to 9/11: EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK Francis Richard Conolly - a Trine Day Book, with important revelations about WW II.) (This information was first presented in a very popular video with purportedly a billion views.)

The Sabian Symbol for the Last Degree of Pisces:
A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling a Face Is Idealized By a Boy Who Takes
It As His Ideal of Greatness, As He Grows Up, He Begins to Look Like It

See page 360 in Lynda's book for additional revelations. For now, from Lynda, consider: Goethe: "Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold and chisel and complete a character." "Projections of ideal images. Morphing reality to suit an objective." The Caution: "... Becoming a screen for the projections of other's ideals... The hardships of life."

Similarly, we can add:

Klaus Schwab and the rest of The World Economic Forum and their minions (including Gavin Newsome, Pete Buttigieg, Justin Trudeau, Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, etc.) intend a soulless trans-human agenda, the dissolution of nation states, a one-world government, a one-world currency and a new one-world UN soulless "religion". Like GMO Eat-ze-bugs Franken-food's inability to nourish the body, their anti-religion "religion" has nothing nourishing for the Soul.

With all that in mind, note that Neptune on this degree is less about the potential for the maturing and developing a strong and positive character, and more about imposing, adopting or transcending mass hypnotic spells, illusions and delusions. Neptune is on this degree as the country and the world saw on June 27th the current U.S. President as shockingly "Neptuned." He appeared as an out-of-it as a stoner or a drunk, a lost old man on or in need of his meds. This "debate" occurred just before Neptune's station on this degree on July 2nd. On July 2, 1776 the Second Continental Congress verbally agreed to Independence. The document affirming this came two days later.

Back to the present

Meanwhile, Neptuned Joe's political adversary, Trump, is seen by many as an angel sent by God. That is appropriately Neptunian in another way. Actually, though, this Sabian Symbol degree image tells each of us, particularly each American, that YOU are the one you've been waiting for --- not Poppa Trump, not Grandpa Fauci, not Sleepy Joe, not some "influencer" of any age, of any purported gender or of any stripe. The Sabian Symbol description (above) fits a short story from Nathaniel Hawthorne. The boy in that story saw one V.I.P. after another who he thought was that one great man. One by one, every one of them turned out to be nowhere near as great as he'd hoped for. While waiting years for some great man, he had neglected to instead be the best version of himself that he could be.

Reminiscent of Oscar Wilde:
"Be yourself. Everyone else has been taken."

The face of stone reminds us of the presidential heads on Mount Rushmore: large than life, unattainable, aloof and, let's face it, dead. Statues of famous dead guys have been taken down elsewhere, so maybe Mount Rushmore will become Mount Crushed-more a part of Pluto in Aquarius eradication of the old world order to be replaced by the depraved New World. After all, a recent A.I. program reconfigured historic old white guys as females of color, etc. Central Bank Digital Currency will make all those green ink pictures of dead presidents obsolete. Isn't history re-written by the victors? Which would leave us with --- What? Stay attuned.

Speaking of Mount Rushmore, on July 4th of this year, Trump's team released a 68 second video of Rushmore, Jets, helicopters and fireworks over the cliff face along with a replay of Trump's 2020 speech there. In that speech he said the monument will never be desecrated, those heroes will never be defaced, etc. Further: "Those who seek to erase our heritage want Americans to forget our pride and our great dignity so that we can no longer understand ourselves or America's destiny." Astrologically, no matter where one aligns on this matter, the issue is more timely than ever coinciding with Neptune's months'-long focus on this critically significant Zodiacal degree.

On July 13, 2024 Thomas Matthew Crooks (a possible Oswald-like Patsy) became a post mortem infamous celebrity, ala John Wilkes Booth. Remember the Sabian Symbol has a boy and "the great stone face." Note the image on his T-shirt presented all over the internet and on TV: Mt Rushmore super-imposed over the American flag.

SEE Astrology's Minority Report PART TWO for more on this degree, this time, but from different perspectives regarding The Last Degree of Pisces (and such) in Collective Historical Tragic Events.

Astrology's Minority Report

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane. --- Marcus Aurelius

(Neptune on the Last Degree of Pisces: 1861, 2024, 2025)
Part Two of Two

~ Dale O'Brien
July 2024

The etymology of the word Zodiac began as a band of animals. (The ancient Greeks saw Scorpio as a double sign - no Libra scales). A band such as a circular headband has a seam, a place where the last and first come together. If that band were to break, the likely breaking point would be at that seam. In a temporal sense, such as when Neptune is on this degree, there can be a sense of being "at the end of one's rope", a seeming "breaking point." Tragically, if not resistant to that sense of hopelessness, it is understandable for a person or a people to either despair (suicide) or to take some drastic, even mean or cruel action against other(s): "It's either me or you" thinking.

That potential breaking point in the Zodiac would be at the end of the last degree of Pisces, the exact place where Neptune was at the official start of the U.S. civil war, and the exact place where Neptune stationed to turn retrograde on July 2, 2024. Then as now, the question was: Will the circle be unbroken? The circle was/is the Union of the so-called UNITED States. So, what might the lyrics of the well-known hymn/song tell us about this time when Neptune highlights the last degree? Similarly, what do the lyrics of The Battle Hymn of The Republic, penned at the start of the U.S. civil war tell us?

The lyrics of both, both penned by women, are related to death and the continuity of kindred connections in relation to death in the heavenly afterlife: "There's a better life awaiting in the sky" says "Circle..." "Circle ..." was written in 1907, with slight revisions by A.P. Carter in 1935.

"Battle Hymn..." is all that, but a bloody (appropriate to the horrific carnage of the then ongoing U.S. civil war) second coming of a Book of Revelation Kick-ass Christ. "Battle Hymn..." was based on a Union soldiers' song about how "John Brown's body lies moldering in the grave." "Battle Hymn" poet Julia Ward Howe, had Pluto on this degree, and Mars in Aquarius Square Neptune in Taurus, singing that the Northern soldiers were executing God's wrath (strong vengeful rage), with a psycho Christ stomping blood/wine from the "grapes of wrath" and somehow also being the Bloody One Himself.

Of God she sang, "He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword..." Further, she has "read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel" and celebrates death: "Let us die to make men free." Obviously her "Jesus" was not "the Prince of Peace"! If she was/is around now, she'd be all in for a race war, cheerleading from the sidelines. Howe was an abolitionist, but she, like Lincoln, saw blacks as inferior to whites. For a time, Lincoln wanted to send the African-American slaves back to Africa. As sincerely opposed to slavery as he was, Lincoln mainly wanted to hold the United States in perpetual union --- the circle unbroken. Then as now, will the circle be unbroken?

A bit off topic, but an antidote to this Christian jihad jingle is Mark Twain's 1900 "Battle Hymn of The Republic, Updated" regarding the U.S. military's mass murder (in various ways) of over 200,000 Philippine people. (He had his Moon in this Nakshatra.) First verse:

Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the Sword;
He is searching out the hoardings where the stranger's wealth is stored;
He has loosed his fateful lightnings, and with woe and death has scored;
His lust is marching on.

(Most of the following is drawn from the brilliant book of the late and truly Great astrologer/researcher Diana K. Rosenberg: SECRETS of the ANCIENT SKIES (Fixed Stars & Constellations in Natal & Mundane Astrology), Volume 2, pp.765 - 784

Fixed Star at this degree: Scheat (under Pegasus' Nose)

Based on years of astrological practice, I see consciousness as making every difference in how an individual lives her or his life. That seems to have also been the case for the masses of people. There has always been a potential for evil elites to trigger massive atrocities (such as The Rape of Nanjing). However, now more than ever, the most twisted minds in science are perfecting mind control in a variety of ways, each a part of Fifth Generation Warfare, and the war is on each and every human individual, and specifically against the Soul. In the process, every animal, every plant, every Natural way of things is equally endangered in the Faustian insanity.

Collectively, whether regarding seemingly eminent world war, civil war, the psychopathological agenda of different power-obsessed individuals and groups, denial, etc., things look very bad right now. However, on page 777 regarding Scheat, Diana writes about "...sorrows and disasters that lead to reforms and new beginnings. And now and then, miracles!" May it be so, since Scheat, on the negative side, is associated with the following below Please note that there are several varied positive potentials to Scheat, such as compassion and beneficence, but I'd be quite pleasantly surprised if such a movement were to overwhelm the ignorance and fear that dominates the majority now.

(The italics below are my own, relevant to known current social concerns.)

Negative associations with Scheat/this degree:

"extreme misfortune" * calamities * injuries or loss of life in catastrophes * aggression * murder * lung ailments * incest * senility [Biden, McConnell, Pelosi, etc.] * pedophilia * sadistic pedophilia * autism* depression * manic-depression * suicide * paranoia * insanity *

Neptune/Poseidon/Davey Jones' Locker with Scheat: floods * ship wrecks * drownings

Note: Scheat was prominent in the chart of J. Robert Oppenheimer ("father of the atomic bomb") The possibility of nuclear war is currently very much "on the table" as the grim saying goes.

Also Note: Although there is a positive potential for healing here, note the current dubious "bird flu" scare and mass cullings now and expected soon can be the negative expression of the same area of focus. In the historically- based chart for the USA, the ongoing Neptune transit is in the sixth house, potentially related to physical health/illness/disease/injury issues. The months-long transit of Neptune on this specific "critical degree" corresponds to cause for concern.

Additional Note: Scheat is very closely conjunct a Black Hole, symbolic of falling into the depths: drowning, or depression, or both in the form of suicidal drowning. Ironically, the Sabian Symbol for the next degree, the first degree of Aries is a woman emerging from the sea.

Another Additional Note: Scheat means the upper arm, corresponding to in its constellation, the shoulder of the flying horse Pegasus. However, the ancient Chinese called it by a name meaning "encampment." it has recently leaked out that the Federal Government is requesting contractors to build camps in every one of the fifty states. Purportedly, those camps could be available to contain dissidents, if such a problem might arise. Hmm.

Shifting now from possible future events to:

Some Scheat-Related Historic Events

  • St. Bartholomew's Eve Massacre of the Huguenots, Paris 1572
  • The Great Fire of London, 1666
  • various major shipwrecks, various years
  • various events related to The Titanic, 1911, 1912, 1985
  • various major gales, hurricanes, tornadoes
  • significant multi-death fires, 1908, 1930, 1996
  • The Rape of Nanjing, China, "Dec., 1937: Japanese troops brutally, bestially raped, tortured and horribly murdered soldiers and citizens, including children; "more died in Nanjing than in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined."

  • What else could possibly go wrong? 1945: Overloaded German refugee ship in a Baltic Sea blizzard was torpedoed and sank; over 4,000 died, about 80% of those onboard.
  • 9.5 Alaska earthquake/tsunami, 1964
  • 8.0 China Earthquake, half a million died, 1976
  • Worst forest fire in 300 years, 1987
  • Solar Eclipse just before Great Miss. flood of 1993
  • Japanese subway Sarin gas attack by cult members, 1995
  • Heaven's Gate end-times cult mass suicide poisoning, 1997, California
  • Uranus here for the Deep Water Horizon disaster of April 2010
  • Uranus here for the 9.0 quake/tsunami, Fukushima, 3/11/2011

Deep Water Horizon disaster of April 2010

Concurrently, Nakshatra Purvabhadrapada
(a sword, or two front legs of a funeral cot)

  • *"Associated with: "acts of disgrace, destruction, imprisonment, deceit, beating, burning and poison"
  • *"irreligious, wicked, mean, deceitful, torturers, thieves" *
  • *fire, including fire in the Earth (volcanic activity) *
  • *sadism * mass murder *

Of course, Neptune isn't everything!

As with everything in astrology, there is definitely more to the total story of now and the eminent near future than just Neptune. Pluto, in particular, is retrograding back into Capricorn, in Sextile to Neptune, with various other planets and such making various aspects with Neptune as time unfolds. Note also that when we are dealing with, or dealt with, the astrology of planets, asteroids, etc. not visible with the naked eye, much is occurring in the collective unconscious. Similarly, dealings amongst Plutocrats and secretive agencies of all sorts leave most of us "in the dark." We don't know "the half of it" and probably a much smaller percentage than that. Most of us, no matter how conscientiously curious, don't know what is happening in the invisible realms of nano-particle technology, in "vaccines", in the stratosphere, etc., etc.

A very important part of "the Big Picture" astrologically in 2025 will be Chiron's frequent intense Square to Pluto in 2025, to be addressed in another Astrology's Minority Report. For now let me just say that Chiron is about SOUL. Please listen to the brief video: War On The SOUL:

Click on image above to watch video "War on the Soul"

In part of 2025, Neptune will be on this degree for the last time, and not here again for multiple decades. Whatever comes to a seeming end in 2025, an end foreshadowed here in 2024, we know from astrology that every ending is also a beginning of sorts. Maybe, indeed, there is "a better life awaiting", maybe even somehow here with Anima Mundi.

Link to video "Why Good People Comply with Evil"


On a personal note, now more than ever, I am reminded of the sentiment of the words of the 1984 song "Turn to Me", written and sung by the late Sun Pisces, Lou Reed. The different verses list a variety of problems that the different individuals in the song are going through. He reminds each one:

                                    I'm the one who loves you,
                                    You can always give me a call,
                                                Turn to me,
                                                Turn to me,
                                                Turn to me.

It seems that now more ever, good advice for each of us, to be there for one another, one-to-one.







  Copyright Chiron Soul Journey Truth 2023