
"Perhaps modern civilization
is a passing accident, but the eternal law
may make
accidents a stairway whose steps
reach to the absolute substance."- THE
a short story
written about 100 years ago by Kahlil Gibran
In his article, "The Significance of 2012", John Van Auken,
Director of A.R.E., clearly defines the significant transition of
12/21/2012. Cross-correlating other timing systems, he tells us that
the Maya define the 5000+ year cycle that officially ends that day as
"The Age of Change", or, "The Age of Movement". The
new Age that begins that date is "The Age of The Spirit of All
Living Things." The Maya mark the beginning of the "Age of
Change" as 3372 B.C. (700 or more years before the time when
archeologists believe that the Mayan civilization established itself.)
Historians and archeologists mark approximately 3500 B.C. as the
beginning of (Sumerian) written alphabet, written language, written
numerals, and written RECORDED history.
It seems interesting to me that the end of
an era that began coinciding with writing down records,
ends with the last recorded date of an extremely long Mayan calendar.
Click here for an excellent timeline and
for information on the late doctor Leonard Shlain's
impressive book, THE ALPHABET VERSUS THE GODDESS (The Conflict Between
Word and Image). As probably most people know by now, modern day Mayan
elders do not expect either the world, or humanity to end on that date.
However, clearly SOMETHING ENDS that date, an era ends. During that
era, it seems that keeping written track of time and history, that is,
tracking change itself with precision, was uniquely important to that
era. Prior to this era, the Egyptians had a 12 month 360 day calendar
--- close to accurate, but not precise. Hieroglyphic and pictographic
records existed before this time, but those lack any arbitrary
representative abstract language.
"Saturn, Jupiter's father, devouring one of
his sons, Neptune" by Peter Paul Rubens, 1636 **
The human mind, not heart nor soul-based
intuition, uniquely dominated this terminal era. Linear thinking goes
along with reading and writing such a mental language, whether written
and read right to left, left to right, or top to bottom. Using such
language, particularly to record history, constantly reminds one of
past, present and future, and of beginning, middle and end. Such a
perspective takes us away from the eternal reality of NOW, and also,
away from cyclic thinking. An age of change does not value contentment
with what is; an age of movement does not value remaining in the here
and now. In such an age, "old" almost always means not as
good, just as new almost always means "improved", better. And
so it goes, in a linear world, until we come to the end of "the
line" --- we then "go over a cliff" with a mindset that
thinks "fiscal" = "physical", or else we come to a
"dead end." However, cyclic awareness tells us that instead
of that simplistic linear perspective, humans do not need to end; only
an era needs to end. With the end of one era, Time, of a sort, runs out
--- the sort of time that is equated with money, the sort of time that
is never enough. Greek Chronos (Roman
Saturn), the god of time known for eating his children alive, is due to
lose his negative power, his awful appetite, or both.
5,384 years, the length of the ending Age, is a very
long time. How long? As the song goes, "It's been a long time,
been a long time, lonely, lonely time." Basically, this time frame
encompasses the RECORDED human history of "the Western
World." For instance, the Jewish calendar marks the beginning of
time from 3760 B.C.E. (or thereabouts), and yet it would be about
halfway through this era before the Hebrew Kingdom began in about 1100
B.C.E. to 1020 B.C.E. Elsewhere, King Menes the Fighter united Northern
and Southern Egypt sometime between 3500 BC and 3000 BC.
Speaking of Fighter Kings, the recorded history of change
during this era overwhelmingly has been about war and conquest. Not
only is "older" seen as not as good, but also abusive male
dominance over the non-violent, or the not as successfully violent,
defined the era. "History is written by the victors," (to
quote Winston Churchill) has generally been a history glorifying the
violence of the victorious. The imposition of power, dominance,
acquisition, intimidation, deprivation, pain, suffering and death
marked what has been deemed what is "great" in this era.
Whether in the name of any abstract "ism" of the era; whether
the "ism" be "religious"
or economic and/or political, dominance by the new has always ruled
this era.
Such hostile imposition occurred not just between humans,
but similarly, involved imposition on all living beings and Earth
Herself. A case can be made that the passing era is the worst time, or
one of the worst times, in the experience of humans' time on earth. How
so? This has been an era of appalling abuse and murder of so many truly
innocent beings in massive numbers; including, for just a few examples:
entire forests of trees and ecosystems, nearly all buffalo, innumerable
sea turtles, and of worldwide genocides, even of untold millions of
human babies and the elderly. All these atrocities have been
rationalized in the name of mental abstractions like
"progress," "manifest destiny" and other such
sterile lies to Soul.
When Mahatma Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization,
he said, "It would be
a good
idea." (Humor and truth at once, in just a few words)
What have they done to the Earth?
What have they done to our fair Sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped Her and bit
Her Stuck Her with knives in the side of the Dawn
And tied Her with fences and dragged Her down
(--- an excerpt from THE END, a lyrical poem,
shared by the late Jim Morrison of "The DOORS")
The ancient Mayans divided this very long Age into thirteen subcycles, called "baktuns."
The last of these baktuns
began part way into 1618 A.D. Note that the
colonization dates from 1620, with other British colonization of
already underway in
, etc. baktun has been the heyday of (North) American
capitalist exploitation of all living things. It is cyclically logical
to see that 12/21/2012 is the beginning of the end of American
dominance of all living things. (Note that neither Marxism nor
communism will likely be our "solution," as the age of ALL
ideological "isms," the stuff of abstract thought, seems to
be ending simultaneously.)
Our modern day U.S. political-military-Wall Street American Elite has brought
this regrettable ugly Age of movement to its most extreme precedent,
outdoing even earlier genocides and atrocities by other nations. The
better the technology is, the greater the devastation. Meanwhile, as Bruce Spector
reveals in his important book, MADNESS at the Gates of the City (The Myth of
American Innocence), the American elite perpetrators see
themselves as innocent, and their victims (even the unarmed children
and elderly) as worthy of the "justice" doled out, at the
expense and in the name of, ordinary American people. No other social elite,
since Atlantis, has tortured and destroyed so much and so many, and in
such hideously cruel ways. "Better
living through technology?" Obviously, the honest
answer is, "No, not
really," as the ever-increasing enormity of atrocities
have been directly related to the level of soulless mind-originating
technology. Meanwhile, George Monbiot of the Guardian magazine (11/19/2012)
reminds us that "If Children Lose Contact With Nature They Won't
Fight For It". Technology has insidiously addicted us, especially
children, to indoor devices that take us away from nature, like no
other humans who have ever lived (except, I would add, since Atlantis).
And yet, it seems that to the Maya, even all grim things and times must
come to an end, without the end of either planet or humanity. And not a
moment too soon, I would say.
What's new in the Mayan sense of the New Age? Van Auken sees this new age as a time when our souls
regain awareness of the essence of life, rather than the form. To put this another way, I see this time as the de-valuing
of materialism, greed, conquest and acquisition. Van Auken also sees this as a time of regaining a sense
of energy and spirit, rather than only physicality and matter. With
such a perspective, he writes, people awaken to the spirit of all
living things. I see this spirit, this attitude, as inclusive of full
environmental awareness wherein we humans see ourselves in mutual
coexistence with all of creation. Van Auken,
personally, also believes that in this age, as is written in the
biblical Book of Revelation, Light overcomes darkness; God overcomes
Evil; Satan is bound for 1,000 years, and a Golden Age coincides with
those 1,000 years.
The Mayan Age that will follow
The Age of the Spirit of All Living Things will be An Age of Melting
Into Oneness Again --- to be at one with Spirit and creation. (As the
song goes, "Let me get back, Let me get back, to Baby, where I
come from....") Earlier Ages lasted even longer than the Age
of Change, but from now on, as the saying goes, "Who's
counting?!" Extrapolating into the future from now on is
apparently no longer important, as no longer is the future (literally)
"set in stone" (Mayan stone calendar). At some unknown time,
perhaps soon, perhaps much later, the Age of the Spirit of All Living
Things will segue into the "last" Age, the Age (Melting Into
Oneness). The Nature of the seemingly "final" Age is the same
consciousness as pre-Creation. Instead of being "final," the
so-called "last" Age, whenever it might come, is really a
return to the Beginning. This fits with the Mayan concept of Cyclic,
not linear time. That "last" age is, in essence, not at all
last in a linear sense. Remember, linear thinking monopolizing
"truth" officially ends 12/21/2012. The straight line curves,
and becomes a circle. It's now time to live in the circle of oneness
--- don't be "square" (to paraphrase the beatniks of the
Well, all this Mayan and Van Auken stuff sounds good to me, and probably to you,
as well, I guess. Yet, the transition of Ages is a process that has
been underway long before 12/21/2012, and we can expect the transition
to continue after 12/21/2012, as well. No matter what might be your
belief system, in order to try and understand the transition process,
consider the "Christian era" arbitrarily marked from
"Zero" between B.C. (or B.C.E., if you will) and A.D. (or
C.E., if you will). Purportedly "Zero" corresponded to
Christ's birth. Did the world consciousness energetically
"change" at that birth? Maybe, instead, things changed when
Jesus was said to be 12, in the temple with the elders, or was it
thirty years later when Jesus supposedly began his ministry? Perhaps it
was three years later at time of crucifixion and resurrection? What if
the real energetic change began even some time later, or much earlier
at the Annunciation? We can forget such trivial concerns for precise
time now, and just "be" with the "transition time".
Those who celebrate the arbitrary birth of the latest version of the
birth of the "Sun King", at the time of year of the beginning
of longer days and shorter nights, believe the special-ness began at the moment of that birth, in humble
Of course, "Lost Soul" skeptics frown,
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly style, and derisively jeer, "December 21st
2012 is just another day." But truly, most of us have come a long,
sad way from the full awareness consciousness of indigenous people, who
saw every day as a wondrous miracle, beginning with the return of the
light with sunrise.

are only two ways to live your life: one is as though nothing is a
miracle; the
other is as though EVERYTHING is a miracle!"
--- Albert
As we enter this Age of the Spirit of All Living Things, those truly
alive live as if everything is a miracle, with a sense of the wonder of
Nature all around us, and within us. Meanwhile, the Zombie-like rationalizers, Soul-dead inside, co-exist with the
lively Souls in our time of transition. Look into the eyes of another;
look into a mirror. What do you see? Do you like what you see?
"How's that working out for you?" It's your life of ultimate
nothingness, or your life of ongoing miraculousness.
As comedian Eddie Izzard reminds us, we have choice in life,
"Cake, or Death?" And, as Bob Dylan sang, "He not
busy bein' born is busy dyin".
As an astrologer, I see our change beginning
energetically, at the "birth" of the Age, the moment of
Winter Solstice 2012, appropriately enough, in the early morning hours
for North America. (6:11:36 a.m. EST).
Winter Solstice is the beginning of longer days and shorter nights,
symbolically the beginning of Light overpowering Darkness, even as
winter begins in the northern hemisphere. The ancient Romans celebrated
Saturnalia for five days, 12/17-23, overlapping Winter Solstice. This
was seen as a time of loosening of restricting bonds and limitations.
In ordinary years, this time corresponded to a celebration of letting
go of the previous year. However, with this new Age starting
12/21/2012, we are also released from obligation to be restricted by
over five thousand years of the limiting of our planet's collective
potential, and invited to the awakening to the Spirit of All Living
Beings. This time is indeed a "big deal," no matter what
well-meaning spokespersons for the U.S. Federal Government say. How big
a "deal"? Each of us holds a "full house" and
everybody is meant to win! Superiority, dominance, violence, etc. are
now becoming passé, as their power wanes in the light of the new day,
the new Age of mutuality and inter-relatedness comes in.
Transition between Ages,
however, tends to be marked by Earth changes and severe weather events,
such as a Great Flood. Many will likely die, either in the final death
throes of the desperate abusers, and/or amidst environmental
degradation and tragedy. Late October 2012's devastating Hurricane
Sandy seemed to be a warning of what will, or might be, yet to come.
Although "Sandy"
can be either a male or female nickname, if female, it can be short for
"Sandra", or even "Cassandra". Mythologically,
it was Cassandra who rejected the typically insensitive sexual
overtures of Apollo (god of "civilization") who then placed a
cursed on her that her prophecies would not be believed. We might say
that the environmentalists who have been trying to warn America's
V.I.P.s about our environmental crisis are
the "Cassandras" of our Age of
transition. Despite Sandy's
devastation, no one in significant power is really listening.
Obviously, this business-as-usual stance is likely to have
unprecedented consequences. And yet, the Mayans assure us that this
current change of Age will not be the end of us all.
"...Beyond all beings there is an eternal
wisdom, fashioning from such disasters and misfortunes a good result we
do not see. The fire, earthquakes, and storms are, in earth's body,
like the hatred, malice, and evil in the human heart. They rage and
clamor - and abate. From their rage and clamor and from their abating
the gods create the profound knowledge that man acquires at the price
of his tears and blood and treasure." from "THE UNSEEING
a short story from about 100 years ago by Kahlil